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We Go the
Extra Mile for You

Need a car? We provide SAME DAY car rental and auto services!

Auto Repair Shop

About Downtown LV Auto

We are a property damage firm that offers auto rentals on lien. We take care of the car from the beginning to the end! We DO NOT require credit card deposit or any form of credit card on file in order for your client to rent a car from us!

Our Services & Process

Our easy rental process starts from the day your client signs up with you upon attorney request we will even deliver cars to your office.

We will tow your client’s car from their home or impound yard to our facility where we provide estimate and photos to insurance companies to make the PD process as fast as possible.

Our team will work with first and third party insurance to ensure all bills are paid and in the event that there is any remaining balance or unpaid deductible we will carry the lien.

Required Items

No credit cards, deposits or credit checks are required!

The Client's

Driver's License

Comp and

Collision Insurance


Summary Form


Harmless Agreement

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